OCaml Ecosystem Surprises

A landscape of a rugged mountain range

At the time of writing I'm employed by Tarides to work on the Dune build system, but all the opinions in this post are my own. I wrote the first version of this post a year ago for the Tarides blog but it was never published. I recently got permission to post it here instead.

This post is about some frustrating experiences I had while developing my first non-trivial OCaml project - an audio synthesizer library. I generally enjoy programming in OCaml but I often find its development tools to be counter-intuitive in their UX and surprising-in-a-bad-way in their behaviour. Realistic expectations are important for avoiding disappointment and my expectations were too high when I started the project. The goal of this post is to communicate my err…updated expectations of OCaml development tools by listing all the times they didn’t work the way I expected while developing my synthesizer library.

This isn’t just a cathartic rant (though it’s also that). I’m worried that people will try out OCaml, encounter friction with its tools, and bounce off to a more ergonomic ecosystem. Or worse, I’m worried that users will attribute their negative experiences with OCaml’s tooling as a deficiency in their own programming ability rather than a deficiency in the tools themselves. I want to reach these people and convey that if you are struggling with the tools, know that it’s not you - it’s the tools. Almost every OCaml programmer I know struggles to install packages with Opam, and struggles to configure Dune to do anything non-trivial when building projects. OCaml tools are hard to use. You are not alone.

My initially high expectations of OCaml tooling is possibly related to the fact that the language I use for most of my personal programming projects is Rust. I choose Rust for most of my hobby programming specifically because I find it easy to manage dependencies and build projects with Cargo. I have limited free time and I’d rather spend it making cool stuff instead of fighting against the package manager or build system. Which brings us to…

All the times an OCaml dev tool or library wasted my time by doing something unexpected while I was developing my synthesizer library

Linking against OS-specific native libraries with Dune is hard

The first thing I needed to do was make a program that plays a simple sound. The most reliable cross-platform library I’m aware of for interfacing with sound drivers is cpal. One problem: It’s a Rust library. (I’ve since learned of ocaml-ao which provides bindings for the cross-platform audio library libao.)

Calling into Rust from OCaml was easier than I expected thanks to the ocaml-rs library. I used ocaml-rs and cpal to make a small Rust library named low_level which accepts a stream of floats representing audio data, and plays them on the computer’s speakers. I compiled this library to an archive file liblow_level.a, and wrote a little OCaml library llama_low_level (my synthesizer library is named llama) to wrap it with a higher-level interface.

I’m using Dune to build this project. Dune has a mechanism for linking against native libraries like liblow_level.a, and the ocaml-rs documentation gives some advice on how to write your dune file (the per-directory build config files used by Dune). I started with this:

 (name llama_low_level)
 (foreign_archives low_level)
  (-lpthread -lc -lm)))

Building this library gave the error:

$ dune build
Error: No rule found for dlllow_level.so

Dune is looking for the shared library file dlllow_level.so for my low_level library, but I only compiled low_level to a static archive liblow_level.a. There’s no reason the linker needs to be provided with both of these files, so I took a look through dune’s (library …) stanza documentation to see if there’s a way to only link against the static library and discovered the no_dynlink field:

(no_dynlink) disables dynamic linking of the library. This is for advanced use only. By default, you shouldn’t set this option.

A little intimidating but let’s give it a shot:

 (name llama_low_level)
 (no_dynlink)                 ; <-- the new field
 (foreign_archives low_level)
  (-lpthread -lc -lm)))

Running dune build on the llama_low_level library now works as expected.

Next step is to actually make some noise. I made a little program simply named experiment which uses llama_low_level to play a sine wave. Here’s its dune file:

 (public_name experiment)
 (libraries llama_low_level))

Trying to build this program filled my screen with errors. The first error was:

$ dune build
File "bin/dune", line 2, characters 14-24:
2 |  (public_name experiment)
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
  "_AudioComponentFindNext", referenced from:
      cpal::host::coreaudio::macos::audio_unit_from_device::h062e0db473d1abd3 in liblow_level.a...

I searched the web for AudioComponentFindNext which led me to some Apple developer docs for the AudioToolbox framework. So the foreign archive must depend on some frameworks on MacOS for doing audio stuff and I need to tell the linker about it. Eventually I found the appropriate linker flags to copy/paste from stack overflow:

-framework CoreServices -framework CoreAudio -framework AudioUnit -framework AudioToolbox

Now I have to find a way to pass these flags to the linker. If this was a C program I could pass them via the C compiler. Something like:

clang foo.c -Wl,-framework,CoreServices,-framework,CoreAudio,-framework,AudioUnit,-framework,AudioToolbox

Dune provides a mechanism for passing additional linker flags when compiling a library:

(library_flags (<flags>)) is a list of flags passed to ocamlc and ocamlopt when building the library archive files.

And similar to the C compiler example above, the OCaml compiler also has a way of passing custom flags along to the linker. From man ocamlc:

-cclib -llibname

Pass the -llibname option to the C linker when linking in “custom runtime” mode (see the -custom option). This causes the given C library to be linked with the program.

-ccopt option

Pass the given option to the C compiler and linker, when linking in “custom runtime” mode (see the -custom option). For instance, -ccopt -Ldir causes the C linker to search for C libraries in directory dir.

It’s not immediately clear which of those two options I need. After some trial and error -cclib turns out to be the winner.

I added a library_flags field to the dune file for llama_low_level:

 (name llama_low_level)
 (foreign_archives low_level)
  (-lpthread -lc -lm))
  (-cclib "-framework CoreServices -framework CoreAudio -framework AudioUnit -framework AudioToolbox")))

That’s sufficient to get it building on MacOS and the sine wave now playing through my speakers was music to my ears.

But what about on Linux?

On Linux cpal uses the library libasound to interface with the sound driver. You might get away with just passing -lasound to the linker but in general you should probe the current machine for linker arguments by running pkg-config --libs alsa.

For example I run NixOS (by the way) where the correct linker arguments are:

$ pkg-config --libs alsa
-L/nix/store/g3a56c2y6arvxyr4kxvlg409gzfwyfp0-alsa-lib-1.2.11/lib -lasound

As an experiment I modified the dune file to have the output of pkg-config hard-coded to see if that was enough for it to work on Linux:

 (name llama_low_level)
 (foreign_archives low_level)
  (-lpthread -lc -lm))
  (-cclib "-L/nix/store/g3a56c2y6arvxyr4kxvlg409gzfwyfp0-alsa-lib-1.2.11/lib -lasound")))

This works. Interestingly passing -lasound causes the library to be linked against the shared library file libasound.so despite the (no_dynlink) setting.

Obviously we can’t leave the linker arguments hard-coded like that. Instead we need to get Dune to invoke pkg-config at build time so the correct arguments for the current machine are passed to the linker. First we’ll make it so the linker arguments are loaded from a file, then we’ll have Dune generate that file at build time by running pkg-config.

Dune allows the contents of S-expression (sexp) files to be included in most fields. I made a file library_flags.sexp with the contents:

("-cclib" "-L/nix/store/g3a56c2y6arvxyr4kxvlg409gzfwyfp0-alsa-lib-1.2.11/lib -lasound")

The parentheses are necessary to make it a valid sexp file. The quotes around -cclib are necessary as otherwise Dune tries to interpret -cclib as a keyword instead of treating the entire sexp as a list (similar to the quote keyword in some lisp dialects).

Now this file can be included in the dune file:

 (name llama_low_level)
 (foreign_archives low_level)
  (-lpthread -lc -lm))
  (:include library_flags.sexp)))  ; <- here!

Next we’ll need to generate library_flags.sexp by running pkg-config at build time. This can be done using Dune’s custom rule mechanism. See this page for info about the different ways files can be generated by custom rules. The dune file is now:

    (echo "(\"-cclib\" \"")
    (bash "pkg-config --libs alsa")
    (echo "\")")))))

 (name llama_low_level)
 (foreign_archives low_level)
  (-lpthread -lc -lm))
  (:include library_flags.sexp)))

This feels a little cumbersome to me. I need to generate a sexp file in one place only to include it in another place, and Dune doesn’t help at all with emitting sexp syntax, requiring me to explicitly escape quotes and remember to include the parentheses.

Also this solution is specific to Linux. To add back support for MacOS we need to conditionally enable the rule and add a second rule for MacOS that generates a sexp file with the original linker arguments:

  (= %{system} linux))
    (echo "(\"-cclib\" \"")
    (bash "pkg-config --libs alsa")
    (echo "\")")))))

  (= %{system} macosx))
   "(\"-ccopt\" \"-framework CoreServices -framework CoreAudio -framework AudioUnit -framework AudioToolbox\")")))

   (<> %{system} linux)
   (<> %{system} macosx)))
  (write-file library_flags.sexp "()")))


Note that the third rule is necessary so that the library_flags.sexp file is still generated on machines that are running neither MacOS nor Linux. Also note that the comparisons (= %{system} linux) and (= %{system} macosx) are string comparisons, so if you accidentally typed macos instead of macosx then the condition would be false on MacOS machines.

In this project I found that it was getting out of hand to manage the conditional rules and to generate sexp files using Dune’s built-in configuration language. Fortunately there is an external library dune-configurator to help you write OCaml programs that query the current machine and generate sexp files for inclusion in dune files.

In a separate directory, I made a little executable called discover with this dune file:

 (name discover)
 (libraries dune-configurator))

Then I rewrote the logic from the custom Dune rules into OCaml:

module C = Configurator.V1

let macos_library_flags =
  let frameworks =
    [ "CoreServices"; "CoreAudio"; "CoreMidi"; "AudioUnit"; "AudioToolbox" ]
  List.map (Printf.sprintf "-framework %s") frameworks

let () =
  C.main ~name:"llama_low_level" (fun c ->
      let linker_args =
        match C.ocaml_config_var_exn c "system" with
        | "macosx" -> macos_library_flags
        | "linux" -> (
            let default = [ "-lasound" ] in
            match C.Pkg_config.get c with
            | None -> default
            | Some pc -> (
                match C.Pkg_config.query pc ~package:"alsa" with
                | None -> default
                | Some conf -> conf.libs))
        | _ -> []
      let cclib_arg = String.concat " " linker_args in
      C.Flags.write_sexp "library_flags.sexp" [ "-cclib"; cclib_arg ]

Finally I updated the dune file for llama_low_level to run discover:

 (target library_flags.sexp)
  (run ./config/discover.exe)))

 (name llama_low_level)
 (foreign_archives low_level)
  (-lpthread -lc -lm))
  (:include library_flags.sexp)))

Now when Dune needs to generate the library_flags.sexp file it will first build the discover executable and then run it to generate the file, before including the contents of that file to set the extra flags passed to the OCaml compiler to configure the linker. While this does work, it feels like a Rube Goldberg Machine, and I was surprised to find that such a complex solution was needed to pass different linker flags while building on different operating systems.

Dune silently ignores directories starting with a period, breaking Rust interoperability

In the previous section I mentioned compiling a Rust library liblow_level.a and calling into it from OCaml. Up until now I was running the commands to build it myself, but I’d rather have Dune do this for me. I added this rule to the dune file for llama_low_level:

 (target liblow_level.a)
  (source_tree low-level-rust))
    (run cargo build --release))
   (run mv low-level-rust/target/release/%{target} %{target}))))

Now if any of the Rust code inside the low-level-rust directory changes, Dune will invoke Cargo to rebuild liblow_level.a before relinking the OCaml library against the new version. One problem with the code above is that running cargo build --release will download any Rust dependencies before building the Rust library. This is a problem because I intend to release my library on Opam, and when Opam installs a package it doesn’t allow build commands to access the network. The solution is to vendor any rust dependencies inside the project so they are already available when cargo build --release runs.

To vendor Rust dependencies just run cargo vendor in the Rust project and create the file .cargo/config.toml at the top level of the Rust project with the contents:

replace-with = "vendored-sources"

directory = "vendor"

Finally, to make sure that cargo build doesn’t try to access the network, I updated the dune file to call cargo build --release --offline.

Testing this out:

$ dune build
File "src/low-level/dune", line 1, characters 0-224:
 1 | (rule
 2 |  (target liblow_level.a)
 3 |  (deps
 4 |   (source_tree low-level-rust))
 5 |  (action
 6 |   (progn
 7 |    (chdir
 8 |     low-level-rust
 9 |     (run cargo build --release --offline))
10 |    (run mv low-level-rust/target/release/%{target} %{target}))))
error: no matching package named `cpal` found
location searched: registry `crates-io`
required by package `low_level v0.1.0
As a reminder, you're using offline mode (--offline) which can sometimes
cause surprising resolution failures, if this error is too confusing you
may wish to retry without the offline flag.

Cargo claims that the cpal package can’t be found. This is surprising because the vendored copy of cpal has definitely been copied into the _build directory:

$ ls _build/default/src/low-level/low-level-rust/vendor/cpal/
examples  CHANGELOG.md  Cargo.toml  Dockerfile  README.md
src       Cargo.lock    Cross.toml  LICENSE     build.rs

After poking around a bit I noticed that the .cargo/config.toml wasn’t getting copied into the _build directory which meant that Cargo was ignoring the vendored libraries. It turns out that directories beginning with a . or _ are ignored when recursively copying directories specified with source_tree. There’s even an issue on Dune’s github where others have run into the same problem.

The documentation for source_tree doesn’t mention this behaviour because it’s just the default behaviour for which files in a directory are ignored in general (it affects more that just source_tree). This behaviour can be adjusted by placing a dune file inside the Rust project with contents:

(dirs :standard .cargo)

…which adds the .cargo directory to the default set of directories to not ignore.

I understand wanting to avoid copying some hidden directories, such as .git or _build. My issue with this UX is that if you’re learning Dune by using it and reading the docs for the relevant section as you go, I don’t see how a situation like mine could have been avoided. There’s a layer of indirection between specifying a directory dependency with source_tree and configuring which directories are copied to _build with the (dirs ...) stanza and unless you’re already well versed in Dune you won’t realize that if you need to copy a file beginning with . or _ you need to configure Dune to allow it. I suspect many people who try to include a Rust library inside a Dune project run into this problem, then check the docs for source_tree and find no useful information, and get stuck.

As a response to this I’ve added a section to Dune’s FAQ about this specific issue so hopefully when people get stuck on this issue in the future they can find help online.

The obvious choice of package for reading .wav files crashes when reading .wav files

I wanted to load some audio samples from .wav files and decided to try out ocaml-mm which seemed like the obvious choice for working with media files. To learn its API I wrote some code that reads a .wav file and prints its sample rate:

let () =
  let wav_file = new Mm.Audio.IO.Reader.of_wav_file "./cymbal.wav" in
  let sample_rate = wav_file#sample_rate in
  print_endline (Printf.sprintf "sample_rate: %d" sample_rate)

It printed sample_rate: 44100 as expected. Next let’s read those samples from the file:

let () =
  let wav_file = new Mm.Audio.IO.Reader.of_wav_file "./cymbal.wav" in
  let buffer = Mm.Audio.create 2 10000
  let _ = wav_file#read buffer 0 1 in

This didn’t work:

Fatal error: exception File "src/audio.ml", line 1892, characters 21-27: Assertion failed

That failed assertion is:

match sample_size with
  | 16 -> S16LE.to_audio sbuf 0 buf ofs len
  | 8 -> U8.to_audio sbuf 0 buf ofs len
  | _ -> assert false

My test file used 24-bit samples but I can probably live with 16-bit samples:

$ ffmpeg -i cymbal.wav -af "aformat=s16:sample_rates=44100" cymbal-16bit.wav
$ file cymbal-16bit.wav
cymbal-16bit.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 44100 Hz

After updating the code to load the new file:

Fatal error: exception Mm_audio.Audio.IO.Invalid_file

At this point I gave up on mm and solved the problem in Rust instead. I developed the first version of my synthesizer library during a hackathon and didn’t have time to debug mm. I’d already done the work to set up Rust interoperability for this project so it was very quick to extend my Rust library low_level to read .wav files using the Rust library hound.

This worked well except I ran into an issue copying the audio data from Rust to OCaml because…

Transferring an array of floats from Rust to OCaml produced a broken array (this is now fixed!)

While adding .wav support to my Rust library I ran into an interesting bug in ocaml-rs - the Rust library for ergonomically calling from OCaml into Rust. My library reads all the samples from a .wav file and makes them available to OCaml as a float array, but I was noticing that when accessing the array in OCaml, all the values were zero.

A simple repro for this bug is this Rust function:

pub fn make_float_array() -> Vec<f32> {
    vec![0.0, 1.0, 2.0]

Thanks to ocaml-rs magic this can be referred to in OCaml as:

external make_float_array : unit -> float array = "make_float_array"

I found that I could iterate over this array with functions like Array.to_list and it would work as expected but if I directly accessed an element of the array with Array.get the result would always be zero.

OCaml has a special way of representing arrays of floats in memory. Usually floats are boxed in OCaml, but when they appear in an array they are unboxed and packed contiguously in memory. ocaml-rs was handling this correctly for double-precision floats but not for single-precision floats. I made a PR and the bug is now fixed.

Adding inline tests to a library requires adding over 20 (runtime) dependencies

I wanted a MIDI parser so I could play other people’s songs on my synth and I elected to write my own rather than chance the one in ocaml-mm (fool me once, etc). This turned out to be really interesting and I ended up publishing a standalone library just for parsing MIDI data.

MIDI encodes integers in a variable number of bytes with a special value denoting the final byte of the integer (kind of like strings in C). This was a little complicated so I wrote some tests:

let parse_midi_int a i = ...

let%test_module _ =
  (module struct
    (* Run the parser on an array of ints. *)
    let make ints =
      run parse_midi_int (Array.map char_of_int (Array.of_list ints))

    let%test _ = Int.equal 0 @@ make [ 0 ]
    let%test _ = Int.equal 0x40 @@ make [ 0x40 ]
    let%test _ = Int.equal 0x2000 @@ make [ 0xC0; 0x00 ]
    let%test _ = Int.equal 0x1FFFFF @@ make [ 0xFF; 0xFF; 0x7F ]
    let%test _ = Int.equal 0x200000 @@ make [ 0x81; 0x80; 0x80; 0x00 ]
    let%test _ = Int.equal 0xFFFFFFF @@ make [ 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0x7F ]

These tests were defined right next to the logic for parsing MIDI ints. I did it this way so that I wouldn’t need to expose the int parser outside this module and to make it easy to look at the code and the tests at the same time.

I followed Dune’s documentation for writing tests with ppx_inline_test and it worked well. As I now need the ppx_inline_test package to run my tests, I added it to my project’s dependencies:

 "ppx_inline_test" {with-test}

The {with-test} tells Opam that this dependency is only needed to build the package’s tests - not to build the package itself.

The next time I tried installing my library I got an unexpected error:

File "test/dune", line 6, characters 7-22:
6 |   (pps ppx_inline_test))
Error: Library "ppx_inline_test" not found.

The machine I was using didn’t have the ppx_inline_test package installed but I wasn’t trying to run my tests - just install the library. It turns out that packages that do pre-processing like ppx_inline_test cannot be marked as with-test; they must be unconditional dependencies. This is because preprocessor directives like let%test are not valid OCaml syntax, and the OCaml compiler is unable to parse the files until an external preprocessor has processed the files to remove all the preprocessor directives.

I was hesitant to make ppx_inline_test an unconditional dependency of my MIDI parsing library because my library currently didn’t have any dependencies at all. From a supply-chain security point of view and also in my endless pursuit of minimalism it seemed shame to depend on ppx_inline_test unconditionally, since the transitive dependency closure of ppx_inline_test is over 20 packages:


That’s a lot to download and build just to get the logic for disabling ~10 lines of tests in a MIDI parser.

In the end I did what many libraries do and just exposed the internals of my MIDI parser in its public interface inside of a module named For_test, and then added a separate package that depends on both my MIDI parser and ppx_inline_test and moved the tests there.

I’m used to Rust where I could have written:

fn parse_midi_int(...) { ... }

fn test_parse_midi_int () { ... }

…and any external libraries used in the test only need to be installed when running the test.

This is easier to do in Rust than in OCaml because Cargo is a build system, package manager, and preprocessor, so it can impose a syntax for denoting test code, remove tests when compiling code normally, and only require test dependencies when actually running the tests. This is harder in OCaml because preprocessing is handled by external programs. Neither Dune nor the OCaml compiler itself know what to do with preprocessor directives and require external packages to be installed just to know how to ignore them.

I think there’s an opportunity to reduce some of the friction around testing in OCaml and Dune, especially since security is one of the main selling points of OCaml. The lower the barrier for writing tests, the more tests people will write.

Dune can generate .opam files but requires a workaround for adding the available field

My library only works on x86_64 and arm64 architectures, I think because of its Rust dependencies (I haven’t really investigated this). OCaml is supported on many architectures, so to prevent llama from being installed on incompatible computers, I manually added this line the package manifest that I released to the Opam repository:

 license: "MIT"
 homepage: "https://github.com/gridbugs/llama"
 bug-reports: "https://github.com/gridbugs/llama/issues"
+available: arch != "arm32" & arch != "ppc64" & arch != "s390x" & arch != "x86_32"
 depends: [
   "dune" {>= "3.0"}
   "llama_core" {= version}

Llama’s Opam manifests are generated by Dune. The metadata in its Opam manifests are present in its dune-project file as:

(source (github gridbugs/llama))
(license MIT)
 (name llama)
 (synopsis "Language for Live Audio Module Arrangement")
 (description "Libraries for declaratively building software-defined modular synthesizers")
  (llama_core (= :version))

This looked to me like a one-to-one translation from the dune-project file to the Opam package manifest, so I assumed I could add an available field to the package’s description like:

 (name llama)
 (available (and (<> :arch arm32) (<> :arch ppc64) (<> :arch s390x) (<> :arch x86_32)))

But this is not supported:

File "dune-project", line 31, characters 2-11:
31 |  (available (and (<> :arch arm32) (<> :arch ppc64) (<> :arch s390x) (<> :arch x86_32)))
Error: Unknown field available

I found this surprising as it really seemed like it was a one-to-one translation. It felt like Dune’s UI had trained me to expect that it works a certain way, only then to reveal that it actually works a different way. The docs for generating Opam files don’t specify that the available field is supported and at first I thought it was just not yet implemented. There is a github issue to support additional fields, but from the discussion there it’s apparent that the missing fields are omitted intentionally. There is a policy of not adding fields that are only used by Opam, and Dune doesn’t currently have an analog of this feature.

There is a workaround to add the available field to the generated Opam file using an “Opam Template”. If I had read the generating Opam files docs more carefully I would have noticed:

(package) stanzas do not support all opam fields or complete syntax for dependency specifications. If the package you are adapting requires this, keep the corresponding opam fields in a pkg.opam.template file.

So I just ended up making a llama.opam.template file with the contents:

available: arch != "arm32" & arch != "ppc64" & arch != "s390x" & arch != "x86_32"

If some (but not all) of the interdependent packages in a project are released, Opam can’t solve the project’s dependencies

I released my synthesizer library on Opam. It was made up of 3 packages:

There’s also an unreleased package llama_tests that contains all the tests. As described above, tests are in a separate package to avoid adding unconditional testing dependencies to other packages.

The MIDI decoder was originally part of llama_core but I wanted to split it out into a new package llama_midi since it’s useful on its own outside of the context of the synthesizer library. I created the new package but didn’t release it to the Opam repository right away. Around this time I tried setting up the project on a new computer, and this is when my problems started.

Following the convention for OCaml projects, I put an Opam package manifest for each package in the project in the root directory of the project.

$ ls

On my new computer I want to install all the dependencies of all the packages in this directory which will allow me to build the project with Dune.

Opam supports running opam install <dir> which will install all the packages with package manifests in <dir>, along with all their dependencies. If you just want the dependencies and not the packages themselves you can pass --deps-only. To set up the project on my new computer, I thought the right thing to do would be running opam install . --deps-only from the root directory of the project.

$ opam install . --deps-only
[ERROR] Package conflict!
  * Missing dependency:
    - llama_midi >= 0.0.1
    no matching version

No solution found, exiting

This was frustrating as llama_midi.opam was right there. Remember that llama_midi was a new package, and not yet released to the Opam repo. Maybe Opam was trying to find llama_midi in the Opam repo and failing because it’s not released yet.

Next I tried running opam pin. This does a similar thing to opam install except it associates local packages with the path to their source code on disk. This shouldn’t be necessary in this case; I don’t even want to install llama_midi - just the dependencies of my local packages. I tried it anyway:

$ opam pin .
This will pin the following packages: llama, llama_core, llama_interactive,
llama_midi, llama_tests. Continue? [Y/n] Y
Processing  3/5: [llama: git] [llama_core: git] [llama_interactive: git]
llama is now pinned to git+file:///.../llama#main (version 0.0.1)
llama_core is now pinned to git+file:///.../llama#main (version 0.0.1)
llama_interactive is now pinned to git+file:///.../llama#main (version 0.0.1)
Package llama_midi does not exist, create as a NEW package? [Y/n] Y
llama_midi is now pinned to git+file:///.../llama#main (version ~dev)
Package llama_tests does not exist, create as a NEW package? [Y/n] Y
llama_tests is now pinned to git+file:///.../llama#main (version ~dev)
[ERROR] Package conflict!
  * Missing dependency:
    - llama_midi >= 0.0.1
    no matching version

[NOTE] Pinning command successful, but your installed packages may be out of sync.

Same error as before, only this time it happened to print the version number of each pinned package. Notice how for the three released packages it says (version 0.0.1) but for the unreleased llama_midi and llama_tests it says (version ~dev). This tells me that Opam is trying to install 0.0.1 of all the released packages, and version ~dev of the unreleased packages. 0.0.1 happens to be the version number I used when releasing llama_core, llama, and llama_interactive.

Since the initial release, I split llama_midi out of llama_core, and made llama_core depend on the new llama_midi package. I want to keep the versions of all the llama packages tied together, so when one of the llama packages depends on another, I declare that dependency as:

# llama_core.opam
depends: [
  "llama_midi" {= version}

The {= version} tells Opam that any given version of llama_core depends on the llama_midi package with the identical version number. And the error I’m seeing is because Opam is trying to install version 0.0.1 of llama_core, but since llama_midi has never been released, the only version Opam knows about is the synthetic version number ~dev.

But why was Opam installing version 0.0.1 of llama_core in the first place? Unlike some (most?) other package managers, Opam package manifests don’t contain the version number of the package they describe. The only place where package version numbers are recorded is as part of a directory name inside the Opam package repository, where manifests are stored in directories named like <package>.<version> (for example llama_core.0.0.1). My expectation was that since it’s being installed as a local package from a local Opam package manifest file, llama_core would be given the version number ~dev. The local package file is clearly being read because Opam is trying to respect the fact that llama_core now depends on llama_midi, but Opam is still using the version number of the released version of llama_core: 0.0.1. That version number isn’t stored anywhere in llama’s git repo, so Opam must be using information from its package repository to choose this version number, and then it can’t solve dependencies because there is no version of llama_midi with the same version number.

In other words, if none of the packages in my project had been released then I wouldn’t have this problem as Opam would consider each package to have the version number ~dev. If all the packages in my project had been released then I wouldn’t have this problem as Opam would look up the released versions of the packages in its package repo and find matching version numbers for each package. This problem only happens when some but not all of the interdependent packages in a project have been released.

Maybe I can work around this by forcing Opam to install the local packages with a specified version number rather than taking the version numbers from the package repository. I learnt that it’s possible to override the version number of packages installed with opam pin by passing --with-version. I tried installing all the local packages with version number sigh as I was getting quite exasperated.

opam pin . --with-version sigh
#=== ERROR while compiling llama.sigh =========================================#
# context     2.1.5 | macos/arm64 | ocaml-base-compiler.4.14.1 | pinned(git+file:///.../llama#main#06deea42efa6b84653be43529daf8aa08dc106
# path        /.../_opam/.opam-switch/build/llama.sigh
# command     ~/.opam/opam-init/hooks/sandbox.sh build dune build -p llama -j 7 @install
# exit-code   1
# env-file    ~/.opam/log/llama-60822-042f19.env
# output-file ~/.opam/log/llama-60822-042f19.out
### output ###
# error: failed to get `anyhow` as a dependency of package `low_level v0.1.0 (.../_opam/.opam-switch/build/llama.sigh/_build/default/src
# [...]
# Caused by:
#   failed to query replaced source registry `crates-io`
# Caused by:
#   download of config.json failed
# Caused by:
#   failed to download from `https://index.crates.io/config.json`
# Caused by:
#   [7] Couldn't connect to server (Failed to connect to index.crates.io port 443 a
fter 0 ms: Couldn't connect to server)

That error is because Cargo is trying to download dependencies while building the Rust component of the llama package from within Opam’s build sandbox. Earlier in the post I described vendoring all of the Rust dependencies as they can’t be downloaded when building the package with Opam, as Opam’s build sandbox doesn’t have internet access. This vendoring usually takes place in a build script that runs as a github action. I don’t check in the vendored libraries as it would bloat the repo, and when developing locally with Dune there is no need to vendor them (Dune’s build sandbox does have internet access).

Recall that I don’t even want to install llama with Opam - I just want to install all the non-local dependencies of the local packages that make up my project. There may well be a way to do this but I couldn’t find it and nobody I asked knew how to do it so I just ended up installing the dependencies by hand. Fortunately there were only a few. Eventually I released llama_midi and so this problem went away.

This was the point where I was really starting to question whether OCaml was the right tool for this project, and for any other project I want to develop on my own time. It’s important to me that I can clone a project on a machine with OCaml installed on it and be up and running after a command or two, kind of like npm install or cargo run which in my experience tend to “just work”. The fact that it was such a headache to do something that I expected to be simple suggested to me that the philosophy underpinning the UX of Opam is really different from the way that I tend to approach software development. Fortunately this won’t be a problem for much longer as Dune’s package management features are quickly maturing and are designed with this use case in mind.

The “Happy Path”

I hear from a lot of OCaml developers that tooling works well when you keep to the “Happy Path” and I tend to agree with this. This refers to the case where all the code in your project is written in OCaml and you use the default configurations for everything. Lately I’ve been developing a CLI parsing library in OCaml which sticks to the Happy Path. It’s entirely written in OCaml, doesn’t link with any external libraries, only depends on third-party packages for its tests and is compatible with all architectures. So far I haven’t had any issues with tooling, and even been pleasantly surprised a couple of times.

Most of the negative experiences from this post happened when I strayed from the Happy Path into parts of the ecosystem that are less polished and battle tested, or when my assumptions ran contrary to those made by tools.


This experience taught me that if you go into an OCaml project expecting the tools to “just work”, you’re probably going to have a bad time. Expect that the first few times you try to modify a Dune build configuration that the syntax will be incorrect, and once that’s fixed expect the configuration to not do what you wanted in the first place. Expect third-party packages to be buggy and untested around edge-cases. Expect to get into confusing situations when using Opam to manage local packages that you’re actively developing. And expect yak shaves - so many times when one thing isn’t working correctly I run into a second, unrelated issue while trying to resolve the first issue.

Normalize complaining about this stuff so that new OCaml users can correctly set their expectations coming in and don’t get a nasty shock the first time they leave the Happy Path. And if you find yourself struggling with the tools, don’t beat yourself up about it. Most OCaml users struggle. I clearly struggle. Remember, it’s not you - it’s the tools.

As for my synth library, due to the friction I experienced developing it in OCaml, and to avoid the future frustration I anticipated if I continued the project, I rewrote it in Rust.