
One of the programs I’ve made that most directly benefited my life is this little bash script in my dotfiles repo which runs the application launcher dmenu showing the most-frequently-used programs first.

The typical way to run dmenu is to pipe the output of dmenu_path into dmenu. Both commands come in the dmenu package. The former simply prints a list of all programs in the user’s path:

$ dmenu_path

The dmenu program reads a list of strings from its standard input and presents a graphical list. The user selects a single item from the list, and dmenu prints the selection to its standard output.

For example:

$ echo -e 'hello\nworld'
$ echo -e 'hello\nworld' | dmenu

The second command displays this GUI at the top of the screen:


Use the arrow keys to change the selection or start typing a name to narrow down the list:


Hit enter and dmenu exits after printing world to its standard output.

To use it as a program launcher, the dmenu package comes with a third program - a shell script dmenu_run which combines the above two programs. Here’s its source:

dmenu_path | dmenu "$@" | ${SHELL:-"/bin/sh"} &

As an aside, dmenu is a perfect example of a tool which does one thing well, and adds value to an existing set of tools by being easily composable.

Here’s the list I see when I run it:


And after pressing “t”:


Menu items are shown in the order they appeared on dmenu’s stdin, and dmenu_path prints all program’s in the user’s $PATH in alphabetical order. The problem with this is there are only a tiny handful of graphical programs that I ever want to launch with dmenu, and it’s unlikely that they will appear early in the alphabetically-listed program names. dmenu_histogram addresses this by maintaining a histogram of launched programs and placing these programs in order of frequency on dmenu’s stdin before the output of dmenu_path.

Running the dmenu_histogram script:


…shows a list of programs I commonly use. If I press “t”…


…the list narrows to just the programs starting with “t”, and still shows the most frequent programs first.

To be perfectly clear, I did not develop dmenu. I wrote myself a bash script that invokes dmenu on the output of dmenu_path augmented with a list of common programs ordered by frequency of use, and updates a histogram counting the number of times each program is launched to build a more accurate list for the next invocation.

The histogram it maintains looks like this on my system at the time of writing:

8 xterm
1 xfontsel
2 uxterm
6 st
1 vimdot
7 gimp
15 wifimgr
11 thunderbird
4 pavucontrol
1 mtpaint
2 surf
195 xlock
2 xeyes
5 virtualbox
1 dmenu